Saturday, 22 January 2011

Blogger and Processing

I have found that i can create stuff in processing and post them on to the blog, this is good, it means I will be able to post examples with my notes etc XD.

You do it using processingjs wich can be found at

You can either have the processing.js file on your server or you can load it from the application website. I got the example moving circle below along with the code/script used.

The script I used (copy and pasted from Link) is as follows:

< script type="application/processing" >
float radius = 50.0;
int X, Y;
int nX, nY;
int delay = 16;

void setup(){
size( 200, 200 );
strokeWeight( 10 );
frameRate( 15 );
X = width / 2;
Y = width / 2;
nX = X;
nY = Y;

void draw(){
radius = radius + sin( frameCount / 4 );
background( 100 );
fill( 0, 121, 184 );
ellipse( X, Y, radius, radius );

void mouseMoved(){
nX = mouseX;
nY = mouseY;

< canvas width="320" height="240">
< script src=''>

Processing: Bouncing Sound Ball

So I decided that the first thing I wanted to make in processing (after mucking around a bit) was a musical bouncing ball.

The first problem that I came across was that processing doesn't support midi. Not as standard anyway. After feeling sad for a little while, I did a bit of research and found out that you can extend the functionality (dunno if thats the correct way of describing it) of the core programme with user created and shared libraries.

There are several midi libraries available, but so far the one I have had most success with is The midi bus. Which, if you are interested, can be found here:

All you have to do (for MAC OSX anyway, as that is what I use) is create a folder called libraries in your processing sketchbook, and extract the files to that location. (USER/DOCUMENTS/PROCESSING is the default folder, although you can check it/change it under processing>preferences)


Processing is a program I have started to use recently. It is 'an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions.' I started using it because I am interested in learning to program and I was informed this would be a good place to start learning about it.

I have a few ideas to try and create in it and i shall write about them and post on here as I do them and encounter problems. That way, if I forget my own solutions, I can come back here and teach myself again :D

The first thing I am going to try and create is an animation of a bouncing ball that plays a musical note when it bounces.

Link for Processing

Newgrounds: Audio/Flash

Newgrounds is a website that was originally dedicated to flash games/animations. they now have added a portal for audio submissions and art.

At the moment it is pretty much the only place I have posted any examples of my music so if you are interested to hear some head to

It will probably be the place I post any example audio that I may want to share with stuff posted on this blog. That is until I sort out something better.

Metal Music

To better my chances of actually using this blog, I have decided to post something I wrote a long time ago. it was for another idea similar to this, which never happened really. So it gets the airing it deserves and makes me feel like I have done more work on this, which in turn means I am MORE likely to do MORE work on it (in an attempt to not waste previously used energy, in accordance with the laws o laziness and preserving energy) Here we go :S... and due to this being crazy it will be in a seperate post!

Metal music (cont)

I love metal music and have found that a lot of people do not seem to understand why. I often hear people trashing the style and frequently end up in discussions with people who want to know what I like about it, what I see in it. People have a lot of misconceptions about it and about the people who listen to it. So i decided to attempt to write about it and hopefully inform ;-). Please note that I am using the term metal loosely, not as a very specific sub genre. (So I am talking about its variations as well... You know what I mean!)

I have thought about the reasons why I (*People*) listen to metal a lot. Mostly because I can understand why somebody wouldn't like it. Even though I love it, I realise that it is not exactly an easy style of music to get into and I can imagine that from the outside looking in it could easily seem like a whole lot of noise. I remember when I used to hear metal music when I was younger I couldn’t imagine

I would say that metal music is very much a form of escapism. It is all about larger than life expression. It takes a normal everyday experience or emotion and makes something bigger out of it. Think back to when you were a kid, all you wanted were excitement and adventure. When you looked to the future you assumed that it was going to be full of amazing things, you thought you were going to make an impression on the world. As you get older you start to realise that this isn't necessarily true. After all between your 9-5, paying your taxes and feeding yourself there isn't much time left over to be adventurous.

This is where metal comes in. It almost a world of its own. A world where people scream and shout, where weird things happen. Its full of strong characters and stronger emotions. It is accepting of anybody that is being truthful. It allows you to indulge your broken heart without somebody telling you to stop feeling sorry for yourself and you can release your anger without ever actually ever hurting somebody. I would liken listening to music like this to reading a fantasy novel or playing a computer game.

Other reasons for enjoying it would be for the virtuosity of the musicians themselves. Many people that play within this style have developed their skills on their chosen instrument to amazing standards and sometimes the sheer difficulty of the individual parts can be a wonder to behold. Especially if it is on an instrument you yourself play.

The metal world (or culture if you will) is also a place where unlike the real world, odd things are often celebrated. So I believe that it attracts people that perhaps aren’t accepted, or at least do not feel a part of, mainstream culture.

Lastly, I think that I should mention that the type of music you listen to is not really a conscious decision, you do not weigh up the pro's and cons of a genre of music and then decide whether you want to listen to it. Rather I guess you could call it an evolution of your thoughts and feelings. A montage of your experiences. Everyone has songs that remind them of specific times, feelings and even other people. Some people grew up and experienced things with metal music around them and so some people are obviously going to associate a lot of good experiences with the sounds associated with it.

On that note I shall end, I hope I have made some sense and that it hasn’t been too much of a chore to read through this.

The point for this blog!

I intend to use this blog as a tool for learning. I have a large number of things I am interested in and would like to improve my abilities/knowledge. I intend on posting thoughts etc and also for different things I am learning I intend on undertaking projects etc and posting progress/ final result/ information gained to here.

I am hoping this will help keep me organised, and possibly make me more motivated to try hard. I also hope that I will occasionally post stuff of interest/help to people, and that I will receive feedback and extra knowledge from interacting with people who see this blog.]

Blogs are weird and scary and I am socially awkward. (And completely aware that this post will almost definitely not be read by any body!) This is going to be a rough trip!